
Overcoming Adversity

I never saw myself doing anything besides working at a car dealership in the service department. Until July 2021, shortly after my birthday, I became extremely ill. Needless to say, I had contracted the delta variant of the Covid-19 virus and began a fight for my life. I woke up in mid-September, having no idea what had happened to me. The virus left me with a drastically reduced lung capacity and severe nerve damage. My automotive career was over. I was lucky to be alive. Months of physical therapy helped me to be able to stand without falling, then able to walk again. I spent hours laying in bed, wondering about the next chapter of my life.
I found videos on the book of faces about soap making. I thought that maybe, since it wasn't extremely physical, maybe I can do it? So my mother bought me some ingredients and I got to work. I had developed skin conditions since being in the hospital and nothing had helped me. So I thought that not only can I have something to occupy my time, but something to help my skin as well.
Ruddy Duck Soap Company was born. And here I am, with a new career, doing something that I absolutely love as it allows my creative side to come out and play.
Thanks for reading, and thanks for shopping with me today. It's truly appreciated and is a testament to perseverance that you are here reading this.

Thank you!!!

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