So after a full year of trial and error, I think I've gotten the hang of this. I really enjoy creating all of the items in my shop. It is very fullfilling knowing that the things I make create happiness and healing. 

I started running adds on Facebook to try to drive traffic, because lets face it, Etsy cannot market me worth a damn. So I will run ads from time to time, and sometimes I get orders. Mostly I get scammers telling me I need to click some liink because I am in some sort of violation. I had to stop running the ones that generate message engagement, becuase that's all I got, 4 and 5 times a day. There was no way to track anything. So Facebook is kind of worthless for ads to. So off to craft shows I go.

I did one at the beginning of May at a senior living center and did really well. Luckily I knew the person running it so I was the only soap maker. I mad a decent amount as well. I have another show coming up in November as well.

All in all, it's been a slow year. With the ecomony in the dumps it's understandable. I hope this blog posts finds all of you happy and healthy!!